The 1 Habit You Need for 2017!

Happy holidays!

We’re in the final week of 2016 and I know you already have desires, plans and commitments for 2017. You may not be the ‘New Year’s Resolution’ kind of person, but you definitely know that you want the next chapter of your life to read even better than this one. A new mindset. New company. New habits. But, all that aspiring and goal-setting can be exhausting before we even get started.

With my birthday in December, I tend to be in reflective mode all month. Looking back on the past 51 weeks, giving thanks for the hurdles crossed and trying to figure out how to make next year a better one than this one. So, just know that you’re not alone. I’m also doing my reflections and projections, and as usual my health is top priority.


The New Year Habit

In December 2013, I was in a similar mindset and invited a bunch of friends and family members to join me in a 30-day challenge. The green smoothie habit that we built together in January 2014 resulted in major lifestyle changes for hundreds of people in various parts of the world. I learnt so much about the nutritional punch that dark-green leafy vegetables pack and have never been able to look at a blender the same since then.

When this Jamaican Green Smoothie thing started, I never really knew what I was getting myself, but over time I have come to see how, like blending green smoothies, our habits design our lifestyles. We don’t change our entire lifestyle in one swoop, but with one new habit at a time. So, instead of making a long list of resolutions or mindmapping all our wellness goals for 2017, how about we pick ONE simple habit and work it for the first 30 days of the new year?! After you’ve built one habit, you can always add on another new habit and keep going like that until you’re more satisfied with what your life looks like. That’s why we’re starting with our eating habits – and not by quitting anything, but by drinking something extra: a daily green smoothie.


30 Days of Green Smoothies 

Since we only have a few days before the year will end! If I were you, I wouldn’t make any major New Year’s resolutions. Don’t bother obsessing about how much weight you’re going to lose or which new diet you’re going to try. It might only make you irritable and frustrated if you suddenly try to start a brand new diet from what you’ve been doing for decades. Within a few days you’ll probably give up and say, “Maybe next year.”

Instead, for the month of January, you could join us in blending and drinking a 16oz green smoothie everyday. This 30-Day Challenge will NOT require you to eat less or differently than you usually do. All we’re doing is ADDING a 16oz serving of blended fruits and leafy greens to all the deliciousness you enjoy everyday.

The 30-Day Jamaican Green Smoothie Challenge is the 1 simple habit you need for 2017. Sign up for the challenge today!

We can do it together. We can encourage each other, and keep each other accountable. I will check in on you and you will check in on me. We’ll share the challenges we face in sticking to our habit each day and figure out solutions together. Then, each week we can celebrate the milestones together.

To join the 30-Day Jamaican Green Smoothie Challenge January 2017, please go to to submit your name and email address.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your life!

I empower individuals to build resilience and reinvent their lives. You can discover self-realization, self-discipline, and wisdom while navigating challenges and emerging stronger.
Let's Build Your Resilience Now!
I empower individuals to build resilience and reinvent their lives. You can discover self-realization, self-discipline, and wisdom while navigating challenges and emerging stronger.
Let's Build Your Resilience Now!