The Next 30-Day Jamaican Green Smoothie Challenge starts July 1!

It has been quite the journey – one year to be exact – since I launched the 1st 30-Day JGS Challenge. Since July 2013, hundreds of persons (across the island and throughout the diaspora) have joined the Jamaican Green Smoothie movement and this train is not stopping any time soon.

We are about to take hundreds more people along with us for the ride! If you want to join us for this challenge, as well, please sign up HERE.

Tell Your Family, Friends & Co-Workers!

Invite your loved ones to take the 30-Day JGS Challenge, so they can start making smooth and creamy blends that:
* Use affordable (or free), locally-grown ingredients.
* Take 5 minutes or less of your day to make.
* Deliciously satisfy your daily requirement for fruits and vegetables.
* Balance your diet, improve your health and transform your lifestyle.
* Will not place any dietary restrictions on you.

Please get on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest & Instagram to share the picture below and the 30-Day JGS Challenge SIGN UP link too!

30Dy JGS Challenge


I empower individuals to build resilience and reinvent their lives. You can discover self-realization, self-discipline, and wisdom while navigating challenges and emerging stronger.
Let's Build Your Resilience Now!
I empower individuals to build resilience and reinvent their lives. You can discover self-realization, self-discipline, and wisdom while navigating challenges and emerging stronger.
Let's Build Your Resilience Now!