March’s 30-Day JGS Challenge: Week 2

Our second week of blending up leafy green veggies and fruit was wonderful for so many reasons! We focused on Diet Green Smoothies (otherwise known as Thickies or Meal Replacement Smoothies) and took some time to look at some of the benefits of enjoying a Green Smoothie Habit.

Green Smoothie On the Go
I usually work from home, but had to do a lot of business-related travelling during the week. So, my faithful mason jar teamed up with a cushioned bottle case for the trek. I never realised how a little bit of planning and preparation could come together to ensure that I hauled an icy glass full of green goodness behind me each day. All this, while I made breakfast for my family and got everyone ready to head out for work and play. So, I know that even these busiest working mother can pull off a green smoothie every day, if she wants.

Mailing List Glitches Fixed
I had gotten complaints from some JGS Challengers about not receiving the weekly emails (containing the week’s recipes and market list), so I switched back to the email marketing service that we used during the first challenge (January 2014) and it seemed to have resolved the issue. In the resolution process, some of you may have received the emails twice as this was the risk I had to take to ensure everyone’s mail box was treated. However, I would encourage you to log into your email account from a computer and look under the “Promotions” tab of the inbox and you’ll see them there. If you’re checking from your cellphone, you won’t get them in the “Primary” tab. Thanks for your patience and understanding, nonetheless. If you haven’t subscribed as yet, please do so using this link.

Major Publicity
The highlight of the week was the invitation I received to be a guest on Television Jamaica’s Smile Jamaica show. It seems that the 30-Day Jamaican Green Smoothie Challenge did not just spread to other nations (as I mentioned in Week 1’s review), but had caught the attention of Jamaica’s number 1 media outlet! *applause* *confetti* However, since I wasn’t able to be on set for the Weekend Smile feature, I invited one JGS Challenger and one JGS Sponsor to represent for us. Suzanne Cole’s awesome testimony about the benefits of taking the 30-Day Jamaican Green Smoothie Challenge inspired and encouraged all who heard it. Then, Cherie Dowdie (of Live Juice Bar) was able to demo the popular “Mango Walk” recipe (with a minor variation), during the feature. The entire presentation was well done and we have been getting lots of positive feedback from the public. I am very grateful for having received this opportunity, and for having strong, beautiful sistren to support and promote the Jamaican Green Smoothie Movement with me.

Special Welcome & the Endo Warriors
We want to heartily welcome all the new members of the JGS group on Facebook; particularly those who discovered us on TVJ, and those who heard about us through the amazing testimonies of our sisters living with Endometriosis. They have been finding major pain relief and healing through the daily consumption of Jamaican Green Smoothies. So, we are happy to have them join us, especially since we are in Endo Awareness Month.

Please check out the recording of our television début on TVJ’s Weekend Smile by clicking the image below:

Smile JA








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I empower individuals to build resilience and reinvent their lives. You can discover self-realization, self-discipline, and wisdom while navigating challenges and emerging stronger.
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