March’s 30-Day JGS Challenge: Week 1

What a wonderful way to start the month? The 30-Day Jamaican Green Smoothie Challenge for March 2014 has begun and we are thoroughly enjoying it.

JGS Newbies & Consultants
We had just completed a mini-challenge within the JGS Facebook group, called the “Simple Six” and it was a perfect opportunity for the Green Smoothie Newbies to get acquainted with the basics of blending up leafy greens and fruits. This was also the time during which many JGS challengers who had false-started during the January challenge, took the time out to get themselves psyched up to take on March’s hurdles. But, what was most heart-warming during the first 7 days of our journey, was to see all of the persons who had entered 2014 as Green Smoothie Novices graduate to the worthy status of Green Smoothie Consultants, if I may brand them so myself. They were excited and fully competent to welcome March’s JGS Newbies and teach them the basics, help them tips and tricks, recommend delicious leafy-fruity combinations and answer all the different kinds of questions that could be asked. Congrats, my darling! I’m immensely proud of you all.

JGS to di Rerl
When I initiated the first 30-Day Jamaican Green Smoothie Challenge, my desire was to create a realm in which Jamaicans could explore then locally-grown leafy vegetables and fruits as they developed the habit of blending for wellness. I had no idea that a movement would have started that has now spread across a number of continents. So, now we are welcoming Jamaicans within the diaspora and lovers of Jamaican culture. It is such a pleasure to see JGS posts coming from familiar and prominent places like Portmore, Kingston and Mobay, but most of us never expected to see so many of them from Trinidad & Tobago, Antigua, Mexico, the USA, Canada, UK, France, Japan, nor Australia. (If I have left out your country, please complain loudly!) But, we are thrilled to have you all.

The first week of our Jamaican Green Smoothie Challenge has come and gone! How was it for you? Did you try any of the recipes from Week 1’s mailing?


I empower individuals to build resilience and reinvent their lives. You can discover self-realization, self-discipline, and wisdom while navigating challenges and emerging stronger.
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I empower individuals to build resilience and reinvent their lives. You can discover self-realization, self-discipline, and wisdom while navigating challenges and emerging stronger.
Let's Build Your Resilience Now!