30 Days of Vibrance: Smoothies, Soups & Salads

Most people want to improve their health by improving their eating habits. But, most people don’t want to make any drastic changes to their diet. Not everyone wants to be a vegetarian; and I don’t feel that everyone should be a veg-head either. Even if they try, the change is usually temporary. That’s why I’m always looking for new ways to help you transition from wherever you are now to where you want to be: vibrant and healthy on a diet that is more plant-based, whole and full of dark-green, leafy vegetables.


Are You In For a Binge?
I recently shared with you how diets that are built primarily on plant foods are the best way to create, restore and sustain vibrant health. Then I invited you to try binging on smoothies, soups and salads for the ultimate in high-nutrient, low-calorie vibrant health. Dr Joel Fuhrman has long been advocating smoothies, soups and salads as the backbone of the Nutritarian diet and I just got wind of a 30-Day SSS challenge being hosted by the awesome Deborrah Cooper from BlacksGoingVegan.com; I immediately wanted to join in, but they were already in full swing by the time she’d told me about it. Well, since April is just around, I thought I’d take it on for the next 30 days. I currently have green smoothies habitually and most days my lunch includes a soup. But, the vegetable salad is still pretty much a side dish for me – and I want to change that! I want to have really big, green salads everyday! So, I’ll definitely have to make some modifications to my current eating habits to sail through the month of April. BUT, I know that I will be increasing the amount of nutrition my body absorbs and improving my well-being at the same time. So, my question for you is, “Are you in?”


Well, Here are the Rules!
1. You must have at least 2 of the following everyday:
(a) a 16-oz Green Smoothie
(b) a Vegetable-based Soup
(c) a Green, leafy Salad
2. The smoothie must include dark-green, leafy vegetables (e.g. callaloo, spinach, kale), 1-3 fruits and the liquid should be either pure water, unsweetened coconut water or unsweetened nutmilk.
3. The soup must be vegetable-based (e.g. red peas, pumpkin, pepperpot, miso, tomato) and can be hot or cold.
4. The salad must be primarily dark-green leaves and may be topped with any combination of colourful vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, and beans.
5. You are free to eat and drink as you usually do, once you add these to your routine.


I’ll be sharing my own journey on this 30 Days if Vibrance in the Facebook group and I look forward to seeing your posts as well. Please click HERE to join our online support group. It also helps to have some in-person company on this Vibrant journey. So, you should encourage a family member or friend to join you in this challenge. Over the next couple days, grab your shopping bags, dust off your blender, pull out a nice big salad bowl and shine up your soup pot. We’re getting ready for 30 Days of Vibrance!


I empower individuals to build resilience and reinvent their lives. You can discover self-realization, self-discipline, and wisdom while navigating challenges and emerging stronger.
Let's Build Your Resilience Now!
I empower individuals to build resilience and reinvent their lives. You can discover self-realization, self-discipline, and wisdom while navigating challenges and emerging stronger.
Let's Build Your Resilience Now!